WiFi omrežja

WiFi omrežja in dostopovne točke smo postavili v več kot 20 občinah.Občani imajo brezplačen dostop do  interneta ter inovativnih digitalnih servisov: eGOV, eZDRAVJE, eTURIZEM,…WiFi4EU

EU želi omogočiti državljanom z brezplačen, hiter dostop do interneta preko  portala WiFi4EU. V ta namen financira projekt WiFi4EU, mi smo udeleženi v tem projektu kot svetovalci in izvajalci instalacij WiFi omrežij.

Naša omrežja so stabilna 24/7, minimalna hitrost 2Mbps do max, hitrosti ki jo mogoča IP, na isti infrastrukturi je lahko več omrežij: odprto (hotspot) , dostop z “login-om” in skrito. Vskemu omrežju določimo parametre kot so  hitrost, čas dostopa, prioritete,…

Mi uporabljamo rešitve podjetja MikroTik, ki je prvo ime na vseh celinah.V manjši meri Ubiquity, TP-link.

  • usmerjevalni protokoli: BGP, OSPF, RIP;
  • MPLS;
  • tuneli (P2P) in dostopni strežniki: PPPoE, PPTP, PPP, EoIP, IP over IP, IPSec;
  • avtentikacija: vgrajen strežnik RADIUS;
  • obračunavanje (“billing”) dostopa do interneta: vgrajen HOT SPOT, v navezi z RADIUS-strežnikom tudi podpora za plačila prek PayPala;
  • glajenje prometa (“traffic shaping”): simple queues, hierarhična drevesa;
  • optimizirani protokoli za prenos prek WiFi povezav – odpravljajo vgrajene omejitve glede razdalje med postajami in optimizirajo promet s kombinacijo kratkih paketov in glav IP-paketov;
  • Statefull firewall, SNMP, transparentni DNS in WWW proxy;
  • WDS, Mash, in vsi protokoli, ki se nanašajo na WiFi.
  • HotSpot  za hotele in konferenčne centre
  • VPN koncentrator
  • požarni zid;
  • povezovanje poslovnih enot na različne načine.

Nudimo usmerjevalno in brezžično opremo za vse možne namene – od lokacije odjemalca do najvišjih podatkovnih centrov. Imamo 12 let izkušenj v omrežjih in brezžičnih napravah. Podpiramo veliko posebnih funkcij in nenehno dodajamo nove želene funkcije.

Več o  dobavitelju:

MikroTik provides routing and wireless equipment for all possible uses – from the customer location, up to high end data centers.
We have an extensive network of trained consultants, training centres and distributors in almost every country of the world.
Established in Europe in 1996, we have 20 years of experience in networking and wireless installations.
Our in-house developed RouterOS software now supports most common and many special features and we are constantly adding new customer requested features.
Build wireless links across seas, internet exchanges between countries, and secure tunnels between banks. MikroTik can do it all.

  • Best price/performance
  • Millions of RouterOS powered devices currently routing the world
  • Twenty years of developing networking software and hardware
  • Over 50,000 RouterOS trained and certified network engineers
  • More than 4000 training classes in the last year
  • Worldwide network of certified consultants
  • Offering products that support simple CPEs to complex enterprise networks
  • Thousands of pages of documentation, examples, application notes, and guides

WE provides routing and wireless equipment for all possible uses – from the customer location, up to high end data centers.

We have 12 years of experience in networking and wireless installations.

We supports most common and many special features and we are constantly adding new customer requested features.

Equipment and solutions of our suppliers has folowing advantages:

Best price/performance

Millions of RouterOS powered devices currently routing the world

Twenty years of developing networking software and hardware

Over 50,000 trained and certified network engineers

More than 4000 training classes in the last year

Worldwide network of certified consultants

We have an extensive network of trained consultants, training centres and distributors in almost every country of the world.

Offering products that support simple CPEs to complex enterprise networks

Thousands of pages of documentation, examples, application notes, and guides